Professional Learning Committee
Professional Learning Co-chair
- Dr. Kathryn Bousquet,, 707-256-7723, 1030-O
CEETL Co-chair
- Dr. Tia Madison,, 7007-256-7495, 1769-B
ΒιΆΉΣ³» is committed to supporting and encouraging the improvement of teaching and learning and includes professional learning as part of its Strategic Plan and Institutional Mission.
Committee Charge: The Professional Learning Committee shall be concerned with faculty development, including instructional excellence, and sabbatical leaves.
Committee Membership: When possible, the committee will consist of Academic Senate representatives from each of the following Divisions: Arts and Humanities, Career Education, Counseling, Health Occupations, Librarians, Physical Education/Athletics, Mathematics, Science/Mathematics/Engineering, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Language and Developmental Studies.
The PL co-chair of the PLC is chosen by the Academic Senate upon the recommendation of the PLC.
The CEETL co-chair of the PLC is chosen by the Academic Senate upon the recommendation of the PLC.
The members of the Professional Learning Committee shall:
- Establish policies and guidelines for faculty professional learning and
- Coordinate the areas of the Academic Senate (AS) Center for Equity and Excellence
in Teaching and Learning (CEETL):
- Coordinate and assist the creation and implementation of content curricula for the AS CEETL Instructional Design
- Coordinate and assist the creation and implementation of content curricula for the AS CEETL Governance
- Coordinate and assist with the creation and implementation of research protocols for the AS CEETL Research Team.
- Curate relevant and diverse learning offerings for biannual instructional excellence
(Flex Days) activities that reflect institutional instructional and campus community
- In alignment with the βGuidelines for the Implementation of the Flexible
Calendar Programβ (ASCCC/CCCCO, 2007), the PL co-chair will also chair the Flex Day Advisory Committee. The composition of the Flex Day Advisory Committee is as follows: up to 2 representatives from each of the 4 constituent groups (Students, Faculty, Classified, and Administrative/Confidential), as appointed by each group's President. This advisory committee will review and recommend on Flex Days plans as developed by the PLC. The PL co-chair will convene meetings of the Flex Day Advisory Committee and act as liaison between the PLC and the Flex Day Advisory Committee.
- Review and coordinate faculty professional development
- Oversee the Sabbatical Leave Process for
- Appoint two members to serve on the Flex Day Advisory Committee.
- Make recommendations on policies for faculty professional development activities.
PD Funding Request Process & Rubric
PD Funding Request Form (no travel)
PD Funding Request Forms (travel)